School Field Trips
Teachers are welcome to join us for teacher tours. They are a mix of science, history and field trip logistics. Register for April 21st.
School groups, scout troops, clubs and other associations may visit in the daytime or evening. Most trips include an activity, a tour and weather dependent viewing. In the daytime we can observe the sun and often see sunspots. Some days we can see the moon or Venus as well. In the evening what we see depends on the day. It might include Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon or star clusters.
Activities include (STEELS Standards):
Planet walk - elementary grades (3.3.5.A)
Set of Moon phases activities - elementary grades (3.2.4.F, 3.3.1.A)
Brightness of stars - grade 4-6 (3.5.5.A)
Saturn's rings - middle school (3.2.6-8.J,L,Q, 3.3.6-8.B,C)
Introduction to Jupiter's moons project - middle school (3.3.6-8.B,C)
Scale and Structure of the Universe - high school (3.2.9-12.O,T,V, 3.3.9-12.B,C)
Spectroscopy - high school (3.2.9-12.T,V)
History of the Observatory and Science in Pittsburgh - any level
Exoplanets - any level
There is no cost for groups, and funding for bussing may be available.
Group size is currently limited to 70.
There may be an opportunity to combine the trip to the observatory with a hike with the rangers of Riverview Park. You may consider combining a trip with the Moonshot Museum.
Email or call 412-321-2400 for more information.
Scout Troops

Bring you scout troop for a tour of the observatory and if the weather is clear, observing with the 13" telescope. It will take about 90 minutes and is usually scheduled on a Saturday or a Sunday.
We can also cover specific material (for example for specific Girl Scout Space badges) and we have a BSA merit badge counselor for Astronomy, Space Exploration and the Nova program who can set up and sign off on activities.
This program is in development, so tell us what you want!
Group size is currently limited to 40.
There may be an opportunity to combine the trip to the observatory with a hike with the rangers of Riverview Park.
Email or call 412-321-2400 for more information.
Physics Kits
There are a variety of physics kits available to borrow.
Physics Lab Lending Library (